About Author
Michelle’ Has the Pen’s Touch. Her words have the ability to bring her characters to life.

About the Author
As a child Michellé always knew she had a special calling, but not knowing what it
was, she did whatever came to her mind that interested her and felt good in her
Through many attempts of trying to figure it out, she has accomplished many things. Being a Self-Published Author and volunteering her time at “Make Time to
Pray Outreach” brings her joy.
As a Self-Published Author, she has released her first Children’s Book titled
“MY SEAT ON THE BUS” in October 2021. She is now, writing a six-book series
expounding on the characters in “MY SEAT ON THE BUS.” Because children are very
impressionable at a young age by what they see and hear or lack of, Michelle’s goal is to create characters that display a positive, uplifting, selfless attitude, where they problem solve, mentor, and show love and kindness to one another.
In the genre of nonfiction, Michellé realizes based on life experiences everyone has a book inside of them that may resonate with other readers. With transparency, her Nonfiction Book “Motherly Love” is written with love, tears, hurt, pain, and encouragement from her experiences. There were times where she could not see her way through the stuff in her life, but If God did it for her, He can do it for you!
Michellé has been blessed with many gifts, but her greatest gift of all is her daughter.
Michellé now resides in Atlanta, Georgia where she is an Atlanta-based SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) member.
The quality of your gifts expands beyond the abilities of what your mind says…So, believe in yourself, and continue to push through your endeavors.
~ Michellé Lindsay~
“I can do All things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
My First Book
Published “My Seat On The Bus”
Released On-Line
Series of 5 books all published and released on-line